PLC Training: Exercise #2 Input Mapping

You can find the other parts of the exercise here:
1) Sequence analisys and algorithym

Step #1: Waiting for Box in position
Step #2: Box is full
Step #3: Box is moved outside the level sensor
To change steps follow the arrow and the signal that has to be received.
From all steps you must be able to stop the machine if Stop push button is pressed
If the machine is stopped, pressing Start push button will restart the cycle from Step #1

2) Writing the program:
Defining tasks:

those 3 tasks should be in every program
-Map Inputs
-Map Outputs
- There should be an Alarm task also, but in this exercise alarms are not requested.
I gave the name MainProgram to the task that runs the cycle because this is a really simple program, with one short cycle and a start/stop without particular requests.

3)Input Mapping:

I usually map inputs in DINT variables, so i can force them without problems while debugging on the real plant.
Also it makes it easy to change a broken Input without having to change all the program.
Other programmers uses to map Input in UDT data types, with all the problems connected on the  debugging phase the real system when it is ready.

As for the output i usually write an alias tag, because i always use outputs once in all program and with a coil segment.

Next part is here: Cycles and Outputs

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