WPF Control: Listbox of checkbox with Search google-like

One thing that i like of WPF is the possibility of making easy-to-use controls to manage data.
A control that i use a lot of times to filter dataviews, charts, get queryes parameters and so on is a listbox of checkbox.
This isn't that special, but with ICollectionView and the possibility of having a fast way to filter results like the search box in google.com it become a really powerful tool.

I invite you to download the demo (link at the bottom of this page) to understand better.

Let's start from an example:
I have an observable collection of "Fruits", objects that contain a property "Name" and a property "Show" that indicates if the object has to be visualized or filtered.

To filter this collection i can use the ICollectionView, that permits to filter a collection and has a method Refresh() that reload the collection with the filter parameters.

So in the properties i add:
 class MyFruitCollection : ObservableCollection

private ICollectionView filteredCollection;
public ICollectionView FilteredCollection { get { return filteredCollection; } }

and the filter string:

private string filter = "";
        public string Filter
            get { return this.filter.ToUpperInvariant(); }
                if (this.filter != value)
                    this.filter = value;
                    this.filteredCollection.Refresh(); //
Notice that i call Refresh() at every change of filter

In the constructor of my collection i add some fruits(just for example) and i load the ICollectionView datasource:

        public MyFruitCollection()
            this.Add(new MyFruit("Orange"));
            this.Add(new MyFruit("Watermelon"));

            this.filteredCollection = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(this);
            this.filteredCollection.Filter = ContainsFilter;

Then i set the filters on this method:

private bool ContainsFilter(object item)
            var fruit = item as MyFruit;
            if (fruit == null)  //check if fruit is null
                return false;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Filter)) //check if search box is empty or null
                return true; //show all items if there is no text in the search textbox
            if (fruit.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(this.Filter))
//checks if fruit.name contains the search text
                return true;
            return false; //if it doesn't contain anything don't show the item

 Xaml is pretty simple, as usual it's all about databinding:

And this is the code behind:

    public partial class MainWindow : Window

MyFruitCollection fruitCollection = new MyFruitCollection();

        public MainWindow()
            this.DataContext = fruitCollection;
//notice that all the application is in binding


The resul is pretty cool and it makes apps a lot more confortable, just try yourself :)
Download the example here:

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